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Why did you use hot melt adhesive mesh to composite and cause blistering after opening the glue?

Hot melt adhesive mesh film is a type of double-sided hot melt adhesive used for composite of multiple materials. It can composite multiple materials and better replace traditional adhesive to complete the composite between two materials. Although the bonding effect of hot melt adhesive film is obvious to all, there are still many people who use it to complete the composite, and there will be situations of glue opening or bubbling. What is the reason behind this?

1. The product model of the selected hot melt adhesive mesh does not match
If the correlation coefficient and equipment of the operation are normal during the composite process, but there is a situation of adhesive opening, then it is necessary to consider whether it is related to the wrong model of the selected hot melt adhesive mesh film. When purchasing hot melt adhesive mesh, most suppliers will consult with you about the type of material you need to bond, and then help recommend a suitable hot melt adhesive mesh. If the merchant does not recommend it and is not very familiar with the hot melt adhesive mesh, it is best to test it on the device before making the composite before deciding whether to continue using it.

2. The temperature is too high during operation
Although the hot melt adhesive mesh film needs to be melted at a higher temperature before completing the composite process. However, in practical applications, it is also important to pay attention to temperature control and avoid excessive temperatures, as this type of material can easily degrade and lose its viscosity.

3. After the composite is completed, pay attention to observing more
Some people have achieved good results in the initial process completion time after applying hot melt adhesive mesh to complete the composite process, but in the following days, the situation of glue opening gradually occurs. For such problems, it is often believed that the properties of the hot melt adhesive and the material to be composite are not very compatible. In this case, it is necessary to replace the model of the hot melt adhesive mesh film to attempt secondary composite. Only when there is no glue opening after a long period of time can the entire composite process be considered successfully completed.

There are many types of hot melt adhesive mesh, and the types of materials that can be composite in the future will also vary. Therefore, when using hot melt adhesive mesh for composite technology, it is important to pay more attention to a detailed understanding and classification of the materials to be composite. Only when the selected type of hot melt adhesive mesh is correct can better bonding effects be achieved.
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